
The primary objective of the Past President is to help guide the Society in the decision making process. The Past President holds a voting position on the Loveland Photographic Society (LPS) Board of Directors, and should make every effort to attend all board meetings (six scheduled per year: first Tuesday of odd months) to help direct the club in the decision making process.

Basic Duties:

  1. Is retained to help assure the continuity of the Society's business.

Time Commitment:

There is no set time commitment. It is generally acknowledged that the President will attend all general meetings and all board meetings whenever possible. The Vice President will assume these duties whenever the President is unavailable.


Experience from the previous term will help guide the board, which will help retain and build membership while promoting the art, science and fun of photography. Personal benefits include getting to know other members while furthering personal interests in the field of photography.

Updated 07/2015

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