The primary objective of the Membership Chair is to promote membership. The Membership Chair holds a voting position on the Loveland Photographic Society (LPS) Board of Directors and should make every effort to attend all board meetings (six scheduled per year: first Tuesday of odd months) to help direct the club in the decision making process.
Basic Duties:
- Assist new members in filling out sign-up forms online (All membership records are handled online via the website).
- Keep in contact with Treasurer regarding new members who pay via check or cash, to ensure their online membership gets approved electronically.
- Keep nametags current and distribute at the monthly meetings.
- Welcome new members and guests at monthly meetings.
- Report on membership totals and information pertaining to new members at monthly meetings.
- Give newsletter chair and webmaster names of new members each month for inclusion in newsletter and welcome message on website.
Time Commitment:
There is no set time commitment. The chair should enlist help as needed, and obtain an understudy for the position if necessary. It is important to attend monthly meetings to sign-up new members.
Providing an online profile to the club helps each club member better know the interests of fellow members. Personal benefits include getting to know other members while furthering personal interests in the field of photography.
Updated 09/2010