
The primary objective of the Competition Director is to collect all images for competitions and assure that they are compliant with the rules and regulations of the competition and to prepare submissions for any LPS competition so that judging the competition can take place in a reasonable and efficient manner. The Competition Director is also responsible for running the monthly competition. The Competition Director holds a voting position on the Loveland Photographic Society (LPS) Board of Directors and should make every effort to attend all board meetings (six scheduled per year: first Tuesday of odd months) to help direct the club in the decision making process.

Basic Duties:


  1. Set up the means to collect images for club competitions.
  2. Keep an updated set of rules and make them available to all current members so that they may submit images for competition.
  3. Collect and process the digital entries. Reject those images that don’t meet the rules and regulations of the competition.
  4. Prior to the monthly meeting, provide the Competition Clerk or Assistant Clerk with a list of digital entries.
  5. Make sure that the Competition Clerk or Assistant Clerk is prepared to tabulate the competition.
  6. Make sure a projectionist, a projector, and a laptop computer with optional sound system are available to show the digital images.
  7. Select judges for the monthly contest.
  8. Bring the processed digital entries to the monthly judging meetings on a USB (Thumb) drive or other compatible media.
  9. Run the competition.
  10. Show the results of the competition to all the LPS members at the monthly LPS meeting.
  11. Chair the Competition Committee.

Time Commitment:

There is no set time commitment. The chair is generally expected to attend all functions where an LPS Competition is to be judged or find a replacement when not available.


LPS members benefit seeing the work of fellow members, and can improve their own images by taking note of how images are judged. Personal benefits include getting to know other members while furthering personal interests in the field of photography.

Updated 07/2009

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