The primary objective of the Competition Clerk is to tabulate the judging of all images during competitions and relay that information during the critiquing process. The Competition Clerk holds a voting position on the Loveland Photographic Society (LPS) Board of Directors, and should make every effort to attend all board meetings (six scheduled per year: first Tuesday of odd months) to help direct the club in the decision making process.
Basic Duties:
- Prepare for all competitions by entering pertinent information into the tabulating process. This includes digital and print submissions.
- Tabulate the competition.
- Announce the results of the competition, relaying the title of the image, the photographer, the category and topic of the image, and if the image won best of show or award of merit.
- Notify the Publicity Chair, Newsletter Editor, and Webmaster of winning entries so that the photographer may get recognition for their achievement.
- Email a copy of digital images to the Publicity Chair, Newsletter Editor, and Webmaster, noting the status of each image, and letting them know if any non-digital entries need to be mentioned.
- Notify any winners that have entered prints that they will have to submit a digital image to the Publicity Chair, Newsletter Editor, and Webmaster to get recognition.
Time Commitment:
There is no set time commitment. The chair is generally expected to attend all functions where an LPS Competition is to be judged. Because of the necessity to have a Competition Clerk at all competitions, the Clerk is to have an assistant that can fill his or her duties.
LPS members benefit seeing the work of fellow members, and can improve their own images by taking note of how images are judged. Personal benefits include getting to know other members while furthering personal interests in the field of photography.
Updated 01/2018